Descent of

Show Jean-François de Kerchove's parentsShow Jean-François de Kerchove's parents
Jean-François de Kerchove
united to
Anne Lanchals

Barberine de Kerchove (10/01/1699-)
Ferdinand de Kerchove (18/02/1700-)
Engelbert de Kerchove (1701-1748) Show this unionShow this union Marie-Elisabeth de Zinzerling (~1704-) Show their descendants
Jean-François de Kerchove (10/04/1702-1756) Show this unionShow this union Thérèse van de Vivere (~1689-05/03/1773) Show their descendants
Jean-Baptiste de Kerchove (07/04/1703-1703)
Caroline de Kerchove (21/05/1704-17/04/1749) Show this unionShow this union Jérôme Limnander de Ter Werf (1697-12/06/1768) Show their descendants
Marguerite de Kerchove (30/10/1707-)
Gérard de Kerchove (30/07/1709-03/05/1763) Show this unionShow this union Marie della Faille de Ter Elst (13/05/1701-27/01/1767) Show their descendants

Source 1 gounou
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