Descent of

Show Gautier II de Blingel's parentsShow Gautier II de Blingel's parents
Show Béatrice de Blangy's parentsShow Béatrice de Blangy's parents
Gautier II de Blingel
united to
Béatrice de Blangy
united in 1049 at Blangy-sur-Ternoise, 62770, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, FRANCE,

Louis Ier de Blingel (~1051-1114) Show this unionShow this union Marie de Tangry (~1065-1098) Show their descendants
Giselberte de Blingel (~1060-) Show this unionShow this union Guislain Ier d'Ollehain (~1055-~1107) Show their descendants

Source 1 pygaveau
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