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Mrs Marie-Claire de Kerchove d'Exaerde Borlùùt (Marie-Claire )
Born at Anvers, 2000, Anvers, Belgique on 10/01/1905.
Show this unionShow this union Jean van Tieghem de Ten Berghe (14/06/1910-)
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Charlotte van Tieghem de Ten Berghe (08/06/1944-17/07/2019) Show this unionShow this union Jean-Louis de Witte de Haelen (07/01/1929-15/08/2012) Show their descendants
Restricted to members Show this unionShow this union Roch de Foestraets (21/09/1938-) Show their descendants

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SOSA descendants list of Marie-Claire de Kerchove d'Exaerde BorlùùtSOSA descendants list of Marie-Claire de Kerchove d'Exaerde Borlùùt
Descendants list of Marie-Claire de Kerchove d'Exaerde BorlùùtDescendants list of Marie-Claire de Kerchove d'Exaerde Borlùùt