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Mister Ernest de Kerchove (Ernest )
Born at Gand, 9000, Fl. Or., Belgique on 17/06/1811. Deceased at Gand, 9000, Fl. Or., Belgique on 17/12/1878. Buried at .
Biography Inhumé en décembre 1878 - Mariakerke, 9030, Fl. Or., Belgique
Show this unionShow this union Eugénie van der Beek (06/07/1820-20/11/1903)
Albert de Kerchove d'Exaerde (02/05/1854-07/10/1929) Show this unionShow this union Marie Ysebrant de Lendonck (23/06/1860-25/09/1943) Show their descendants

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