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Mister Louis Isaac (Louis Landelin Isaac Charles)
Born at Landelies on 15/06/1881. Deceased at Petit-Enghien on 19/10/1952. Buried at .
Biography Ingénieur civil AILv (1904), Bourgmestre de Petit-Enghien (1929)
Show this unionShow this union Maria Choppinet (13/05/1880-09/04/1948)
Marie-Louise Isaac (15/06/1906-24/03/1989) Show this unionShow this union Frédéric Gobbe (12/02/1901-20/01/1987) Show their descendants
Charles Isaac (13/11/1907-04/02/1971) Show this unionShow this union Valentine Reynaert (14/02/1907-22/12/2002) Show their descendants
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