Mrs Marie Marchand (Marie Anne Antoinette)
Born at in 1835.

Alias Marchal

Show this unionShow this union Omer Forthomme (27/06/1834-05/11/1906)
Ferdinand Forthomme (09/10/1864-) Show this unionShow this union Marie Prémont (28/11/1870-06/11/1945) Show their descendants
Louis Forthomme (15/03/1876-31/05/1956) Show this unionShow this union Henriette David (26/02/1867-) Show their descendants
Octavie Forthomme (31/10/1873-06/06/1951) Show this unionShow this union Adolphe Marchal (24/01/1873-07/11/1947) Show their descendants

Source 1 maxhannart
Source 2 alibis
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