Show Florence Rasquin's parentsShow Florence Rasquin's parents
Mrs Florence Rasquin (Florence Mélanie)
Born at Scy, 5361, Namur, Belgique on 14/08/1841. Deceased at Grune, 6952, Luxembourg, Belgique, on 01/04/1922. Buried at Grune, Nassogne, Belgique.
Show this unionShow this union Monon Walin (18/10/1822-16/05/1869)
Joséphine Walin (04/01/1867-1951) Show this unionShow this union Léon Collignon (11/07/1863-03/12/1897) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Joseph Gengoux (1856-1938) Show their descendants
Léopold Walin (05/07/1868-) Show this unionShow this union Henriette Weron (26/08/1864-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Jules Verdin (25/05/1845-02/10/1935)
Rosalie Verdin (20/11/1873-30/06/1904) Show this unionShow this union Servais Delattre (~1866-) Show their descendants
Louise Verdin (18/12/1874-20/05/1946) Show this unionShow this union Léon Mergeay (10/11/1869-20/01/1945) Show their descendants
Lucienne Verdin (1877-06/10/1892)
Nestor Verdin (02/03/1879-02/10/1964)
Pauline Verdin (23/09/1881-02/04/1978) Show this unionShow this union Maximilien Weron (27/02/1884-21/11/1955) Show their descendants
Eveline Verdin (~1884-21/08/1901)

Source 1 ehock
Source 2 maxhannart
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