Mister Probus de Reims (Probus Guérric)
Born at Metz, 57463, Moselle, Lorraine, France in ~0440. Deceased at in 0494. Buried at .
Biography Alias Guéric Des FRANC MORINS
Alias Guéric De METZ
Gouverneur de Reims
Show this unionShow this union Eulalie de Narbonne (~0455-0472)
Arnould de Metz (~0458-~0550) Show this unionShow this union Gerberge des Ostrogoths (~0480-) Show their descendants
Industria de Reims (0460-0517) Show this unionShow this union Tonantius III de Narbonne (0455-0517) Show their descendants

Source 1 citron06
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