Mister Paul Hemeleers (Paul Josse Jean M. J. Ghislain)
Born at Schaerbeek, 21015, , Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique on 26/04/1886. Deceased at Bierges, 25112, Wavre, Brabant wallon, Belgique, on 25/07/1954. Buried at .
Biography Avocat à la Cour d'Appel
Show this unionShow this union Nelly Legrand (16/05/1888-03/11/1983)
Reggie Hemeleers (18/12/1915-1988) Show this unionShow this union Jacqueline Domken (23/02/1919-14/06/2001) Show their descendants
Paul Hemeleers (04/02/1918-)
Jacques Hemeleers (18/08/1920-)

Source 1 mdeherder
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