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Mister Albert Mertens (Albert Marie Antoine Joseph)
Born at Kruibeke, 9150, Fl. Or., Belgique on 12/06/1879. Deceased at Anvers, Belgique on 18/03/1942. Buried at .

Ingénieur Albert était, comme son frère Eugène, professeur de chimie à la faculté des sciences de l'université de Louvain.

Show this unionShow this union Jeanne Meert (03/03/1882-05/11/1964)
Henry Mertens de Wilmars (22/08/1910-14/06/1999) Show this unionShow this union Suzon Morel de Boucle Saint-Denis (03/07/1920-27/08/2013) Show their descendants
Joseph Mertens de Wilmars (22/06/1912-01/08/2002) Show this unionShow this union Betty van Ormelingen (31/07/1915-20/02/2008) Show their descendants
André Mertens de Wilmars (09/01/1914-27/04/2010) Show this unionShow this union Marié-José Bedoret (06/01/1918-07/07/2007) Show their descendants
Jacques Mertens de Wilmars (01/02/1917-21/05/1986) Show this unionShow this union Anne-Marie de Meester de Heyndonck (11/07/1926-18/02/2009) Show their descendants
Charles Mertens de Wilmars (21/11/1921-27/05/1994) Show this unionShow this union Restricted to members Show their descendants
Marie-Thérèse Mertens (25/01/1924-21/04/1924)

Source 1 gounou
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