Mister Adalbert II L'Illustre de Thurgovie (Adalbert )
Born at in 0830. Deceased at in 0892. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Judith de Frioul (0850-)
Eberhard Ier von Nellenburg (0860-04/02/0899) Show this unionShow this union Gisela di Verona (0870-09/11/0911) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Berthilde de Rathen (~0817-)
Burchard Ier von Thurgau (0845-05/11/0911) Show this unionShow this union Berthilde von Schwaben (0856-0900) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Liutgarde de Saxe (~0837-17/11/0885) Show their descendants

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