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Mister Raoul III de Crepy en Valois (Raoul )
Born at , , Picardie, France in ~0985. Deceased at in 1038. Buried at .
Biography Alias de Valois ou de Vexin
Comte d'Amiens et Valois
Show this unionShow this union Adèle de Breteuil (~1000-11/09/1051)
Adèle de Vermandois (~1005-) Show this unionShow this union Drogon de Boves (0998-06/03/1080) Show their descendants
Raoul IV de Crepy en Valois (~1021-08/09/1074) Show this unionShow this union Aelise de Bar sur Aube (~1015-) Show their descendants

Source 1 rdebarge
Source 2 delobelle
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Descendants list of Raoul III de Crepy en ValoisDescendants list of Raoul III de Crepy en Valois