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Mister Guillaume Denys de Chizeuil (Guillaume )
Born at Saint Julien de Civry, 71433, Saône et Loire, Bour in ~1540. Deceased at Saint-Julien-de-Civry in ~1598. Buried at .
Biography Procureur d'Office des Seigneurs de Dyo
Procureur d'office du Seigneur de Dyo
Show this unionShow this union Françoise Geoffroy (~1543-~1608)
François Denys de Chizeuil (~1565-01/09/1630) Show this unionShow this union Barthélémie Dumont (1595-1630) Show their descendants

Source 1 odipap
Source 2 slechere1
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Descendants list of Guillaume Denys de ChizeuilDescendants list of Guillaume Denys de Chizeuil