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Mister Baudouin IV le Barbu de Flandre (Baudouin )
Born at in 0988. Deceased at on 30/05/1036. Buried at .
Biography Comte de Flandres (988-1035)
Show this unionShow this union Ogive de Luxembourg (0986-1031)
Ermengarde de Flandre (1005-1071) Show this unionShow this union Lambert de Gand (1000-1053) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Ingelbert II de Boulogne (~0965-1012) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Adalbert de Gand (0975-~1031) Show their descendants
Baudouin V le Pieux de Flandre (1012-13/09/1067) Show this unionShow this union Adélaïde de France (1009-14/01/1079) Show their descendants
Adèle de Flandres (~1011-) Show this unionShow this union Henri de Louvain (~0995-) Show their descendants

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