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Mister Raoul de Nesle (Raoul )
Born at in ~1156. Deceased at on 04/01/1235. Buried at Longpont, 02600, Aisne, France.

Raoul III le Bon Comte de Soissons, Seigneur de Falvy


Show this unionShow this union Adèle de Dreux (1145-01/1209)
Éléonore de Soissons (~1190-~1230) Show this unionShow this union Étienne de Sancerre (~1182-1252) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Ade de Grandpré (~1215-1239)
Jean II le bègue de Nesle (~1224-~1270) Show this unionShow this union Marie de Chimay (1220-1240) Show their descendants

Source 1 favrejhas
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