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Mister Hellin Ier de Wavrin (Hellin )
Born at in ~1142. Deceased at in ~1195. Buried at .
Biography Croisé, Sénéchal des Flandres en 1164
Notes individuelles
Deces: Mort en captivit pendant la 3e Croisade
Show this unionShow this union Torsella d'Arras (1144-1177)
Berthilde de Wavrin (1161-1208) Show this unionShow this union Gauthier d'Halluin (1148-1209) Show their descendants
Robert Ier de Wavrin (1165-1209) Show this unionShow this union Sibylle de Flandres (1176-1236) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Mahaut de Bethune (~1168-) Show their descendants
Hildrade de Wavrin (1168-1224) Show this unionShow this union Baudouin Ier de Mortagne-du-Nord (1158-1208) Show their descendants
Hellin de Wavrin (~1175-) Show this unionShow this union Marguerite Le Forest (1192-) Show their descendants
Agnès de Wavrin (~1160-1219) Show this unionShow this union Bauduin III de Bailleul (~1145-) Show their descendants

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