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Mrs Judith Vroonen (Maria Judith Judoca)
Born at Opheers (B) on 04/05/1766. Deceased at Donk (B) on 26/01/1829. Buried at .
Biography huwelijk: RELIGIOUS [12 JAN 1789 ] Donk (B) (source: ARCHIEF: PROGEN DVD 2011 parochies en burgerlijke stand (5) - 1 _ITALIC Y )

Show this unionShow this union Henri Vliegen (20/08/1758-23/01/1848)
Catherine Vliegen (~1794-) Show this unionShow this union Pierre-Jean Nagels (~1791-) Show their descendants
FĂ©lix Vliegen (~1796-)
Pierre Vliegen (~1798-) Show this unionShow this union ? Ghysens (~1801-) Show their descendants
Lambertine Vliegen (~1800-) Show this unionShow this union Joseph van Hamont (~1797-) Show their descendants
Caroline Vliegen (14/05/1802-25/09/1848) Show this unionShow this union Mathieu Naveau (25/10/1800-28/09/1874) Show their descendants
Marie Vliegen (16/11/1790-) Show this unionShow this union Henri Siaens (11/08/1787-05/01/1869) Show their descendants

Source 1 antoinevromen
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