Mrs Barbara Van der Rivieren (Barbara )
Born at Heers in ~1617. Deceased at Heks on 04/12/1692. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Tilman Vroenen (14/04/1614-31/01/1688)
Arnold Vroenen (26/02/1638-)
Elisabeth Vroonen (15/10/1641-10/03/1685) Show this unionShow this union Adamus Van Linter (04/09/1643-) Show their descendants
Agnes Vroenen (03/08/1644-) Show this unionShow this union Georges Wiggers (~1641-) Show their descendants
Catherine Vroenen (09/01/1647-)
Tilman Vroenen (~1648-) Show this unionShow this union Marie Ghysens (~1651-) Show their descendants
Zacharie Vroonen (27/02/1654-23/06/1729) Show this unionShow this union Anne Reynaerts (~1657-) Show their descendants

Source 1 claire13
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