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Mister Jean Guyaux (Jean Nicolas)
Born at Wanfercée-Baulet, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgique on 24/04/1744. Deceased at Châtelet, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgique on 28/12/1816. Buried at Châtelet, province de Hainaut, Royaume des Pays-Ba.
Biography   {? 190} Nicolas Guyaux [°Wanfercée-Baulet] (Guyaux)
° Wanfercée-Baulet (? Nicolas Guyaux)
Baptisé - Wanfercée (paroisse Saint-Pierre), duché de Brabant, Pays-Bas Autrichiens
Notes individuelles
1803 : domicilié à Gougnies
1816 : décédé à Châtelet, en sa maison sise rue de la Tombelle
Show this unionShow this union Marie Leloup (23/10/1757-16/02/1795)
Jacques Guyaux (19/11/1781-) Show this unionShow this union Catherine Franc (25/02/1785-18/02/1844) Show their descendants
Antoine Guyaux (13/11/1784-)
Béatrice Guyaux (19/04/1787-21/05/1866) Show this unionShow this union Pierre Dufaux (~1784-) Show their descendants
Marie Guyaux (04/08/1792-10/05/1861) Show this unionShow this union Jean Jeanquart (22/01/1789-01/01/1858) Show their descendants
Barbe Guyaux (12/02/1794-) Show this unionShow this union Isidore Laurent (1793-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Anne Quintart (23/05/1777-19/02/1838)
Joséphine Guyaux (03/04/1804-) Show this unionShow this union François Masy (21/11/1811-) Show their descendants
Antoine Guyaux (13/02/1807-19/04/1843) Show this unionShow this union Célestine Lefèvre (08/05/1809-) Show their descendants
Prudent Guyaux (11/04/1811-07/09/1872) Show this unionShow this union Marie Machurot (13/12/1810-) Show their descendants

Source 1 phleloup69
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