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Mister Lambert Vandenbosch (Lambert )
Born at Val-Meer, Limburg, België, , , , on 14/02/1646. Deceased at Val-Meer, Limburg, België, , , , on 21/08/1723. Buried at .
Biography Baptisé le 14 février 1646 - Millen,Riemst,Limburg,Belgie, , , ,
gedoopt te Millen (getuige(n): p: Reyners Henri, m: Smets Maria)
Notes concernant l'union
Union avec Elisabeth STEYNEN
Gehuwd voor de kerk
Show this unionShow this union Elisabeth Steynen (10/07/1682-02/10/1720)
Mathias Vandenbosch (23/02/1715-19/10/1782) Show this unionShow this union Maria Huygen (17/05/1726-10/03/1761) Show their descendants

Source 1 jos31
Source 2 jan366
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