Mister Jozef Timmermans (Jozef )
Born at Hasselt (Wimmertingen) BEL on 26/08/1857. Deceased at Kortessem BEL on 23/01/1942. Buried at Kortessem BEL.
Biography Brouwersgast
Show this unionShow this union Anna Loisen (17/04/1858-20/03/1940)
Maria Timmermans (23/03/1883-) Show this unionShow this union Lambert Croughs (20/11/1881-31/05/1940) Show their descendants
Anna Timmermans (11/03/1884-06/11/1974) Show this unionShow this union Lambert Royen (06/04/1877-09/07/1957) Show their descendants

Source 1 rommelpot
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