Mister Godfroid Loesen (Godfroid Quintin)
Born at Kortessem (Guigoven) BEL on 18/02/1802. Deceased at Kortessem (Guigoven) BEL on 16/11/1880. Buried at .
Biography Notes individuelles
Show this unionShow this union Elisabeth Vroonen (06/01/1800-21/03/1867)
Petrus Loisen (09/08/1828-30/03/1898) Show this unionShow this union Aldegonde Jamine (16/07/1825-14/04/1867) Show their descendants
Christina Loesen (23/02/1831-29/07/1880) Show this unionShow this union Peter Vanheers (20/06/1827-15/11/1900) Show their descendants

Source 1 rommelpot
Source 2 antoinevromen
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