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Mister Washington-Redmond Serruys (Washington-Redmond )
Born at New-Orleans, , Etats-Unis on 23/09/1871. Deceased at Bruxelles,, Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique on 13/10/1930. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Paula Augustinus (30/03/1882-10/03/1971)
Jacques-Washington Serruys (~1901-) Show this unionShow this union Alyce Barthélémy (~1904-) Show their descendants
Jean-Washington Serruys (~1903-) Show this unionShow this union Lucienne Raulier (~1906-) Show their descendants
Emily Serruys (08/04/1907-04/04/1976) Show this unionShow this union Jean van Bastelaer (26/10/1909-09/06/1990) Show their descendants

Source 1 crandax
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