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Mister Edouard-Jean Serruys (Edouard-Jean )
Born at Oostende, 8400, West-Vlaanderen, Belgique on 09/12/1786. Deceased at Rotterdam,,, Nederlanden on 23/11/1834. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Émilie van der Heyde (08/04/1799-04/10/1852)
Jacques Serruys (30/07/1822-29/09/1860) Show this unionShow this union Mathilde van der Heyde (21/01/1829-04/01/1894) Show their descendants
Edmond-Charles Serruys (28/08/1827-08/07/1881) Show this unionShow this union Amélie Deutz (14/09/1839-27/01/1907) Show their descendants

Source 1 crandax
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