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Mister Henri Le Grelle (Henri Égide Marie Joseph Ghislain)
Born at Anvers (Belgique) on 16/11/1865. Deceased at Anvers (Belgique) on 19/03/1934. Buried at .
Biography (Henri Égide Marie Joseph Ghislain Le GRELLE)
Show this unionShow this union Anna de Gruben (17/10/1864-24/03/1932)
Pierre Le Grelle (05/10/1897-09/07/1987) Show this unionShow this union Elisabeth de Brouchoven de Bergeyck (22/04/1898-26/01/1946) Show their descendants
Jean Le Grelle (01/01/1899-)
André Le Grelle (20/02/1903-04/04/1983)
Jacques Le Grelle (18/04/1904-26/06/1990)
Sabine Le Grelle (15/03/1908-)

Source 1 pierfit
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