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Mrs Yvonne Gosuin (Yvonne )
Born at Antheit, 4520, Liège, Belgique on 22/11/1880.
Show this unionShow this union Léopold de Bonhome (10/04/1873-16/06/1949)
Léopold de Bonhome (19/11/1903-) Show this unionShow this union Juliette Gernaert-willmar (22/07/1902-13/08/1936) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Louise Gernaert-willmar (18/09/1905-) Show their descendants
Gabrielle de Bonhome (18/01/1905-) Show this unionShow this union André van Hoorebeke (11/10/1889-) Show their descendants
Raymond de Bonhome (~1904-) Show this unionShow this union Madeleine Domken (~1906-) Show their descendants
Gontran de Bonhome (05/06/1911-) Show this unionShow this union Restricted to members Show their descendants

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