Mister Alexandre Allenet (Alexandre Tancrède)
Born at Paris (FR, Seine) on 20/12/1840. Deceased at in 1879. Buried at .
Biography Employé à la Banque de France

Notes individuelles
Employé à la Banque de France du 30/07/1863 au 01/03/1871

Show this unionShow this union Marie Donckier de Donceel (15/05/1846-1920)
Valentine Allenet (02/08/1870-) Show this unionShow this union Pierre Delvois (~1861-) Show their descendants
Louise Allenet (10/03/1873-)
Armand Allenet (09/05/1874-)
Victoire Allenet (16/09/1876-11/10/1876)
Georges Allenet (28/07/1878-)

Source 1 cvds
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