Show Léopold Chardome's parentsShow Léopold Chardome's parents
Mister Léopold Chardome (Léopold )
Born at in 1847. Deceased at in 1921. Buried at .
Biography Instituteur à l'institut Saint-Hubert à Verviers
Show this unionShow this union Marie-Anne Dressen (~1850-11/11/1879)
Emile Chardome (08/11/1879-07/04/1954)
Show this unionShow this union Emma Servais (1848-1909)
Paul Chardome (22/10/1885-13/08/1974) Show this unionShow this union Marthe Van den Bossche (30/07/1879-18/10/1920) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Henriette Leytens (18/07/1889-13/11/1923) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Alice Durlet (24/08/1890-12/02/1964) Show their descendants
? Chardome (~1887-)
Jeanne Chardome (~1889-~1899)
Léonie Chardome (~1891-)

Source 1 dvanlerberghe
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