Mrs Marguerite de Faestraets (Marguerite )
Born at Antheit - Liège on 28/08/1875. Deceased at Ekeren on 02/01/1962. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Abert Montens (12/10/1866-28/06/1937)
Jules Montens (12/08/1911-03/01/1991) Show this unionShow this union Raymonde de Viron (25/03/1912-22/01/1997) Show their descendants
Alexis Montens (07/05/1914-04/05/1990) Show this unionShow this union Jacqueline de Theux de Meylandt et Montjardin (12/02/1912-04/10/1975) Show their descendants
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